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Set, Horus and Hathor; The Global Arena.

Everything we see physically manifesting holds its seeds in the unseen and the unconscious so with all the horrific chaos and war that is playing out, it draws me further into the mythologies of the ancients as they teach us about both the nature of cosmic events and of the patterns held within our own pscyhe.

Set, Horus and Hathor come to mind clearer than any other at this time.

Set as Evil.

Horus as the Spiritual Warrior.

Hathor as Love.

We can see that even Horus loses his way in the myths, whilst battling his uncle Set he severed his mothers head in anger and experiences the karmic repercussions before being healed through love. He is the spiritual warrior and so we can look to these stories to gain deeper understanding of what is happening. Many "spiritual warriors" are speaking out in violence and distortion, caveating their words carefully of course, placing the word love at the end of each sentence. But you can read the narrative underneath it, deceptive words leave traces and it’s not hard to read the energy beneath them.

We are watching the battle of the archetypal forces of Set vs Horus play out both internally and on a global scale. Through their mythologies, the warring of the spiritual warrior and the evil, we see Horus go temporarily blind and stumble into the desert. The eyes of Horus are often a way that Ma’at, the Goddess of Truth is written. Both of his eyes as symbols for seeing truth, the left and the right, the solar and the luna. Without both eyes the God cannot see.

This blindness is also cosmically connected to the eclipse. We have just passed through the solar eclipse on the new moon, sight being temporarily blinded to Truth. So we can look to this myth, at this specific time to discover a roadmap through.

Horus’s sight is only restored after Hathor finds him in the desert and heals him with her milk, the milk of Hathor, the gala, is human kindness.

“The Cow Goddess healed the blindness of the God with honey and the milk of human kindness.”

It is the Goddess, through love, that restores the warriors vision. The eternal love of the Goddess. This is a key ingredient within the eyes of Truth.

Hathor is connected to Taurus, Taurus in astrology is the Throat Chakra and one of the sites for the throat chakra of the world is Jerusalem. Pay attention, look between the layers, there is so much happening on a very deep level here. The mythologies of Set, Horus and Hathor hold many keys for us right now.

Do not forget however, Hathor's sister is Sekhmet, the fierce protector, the lioness. She is also coming through strongly at this time, her roar is rising, for Truth, for Ma’at. As the eclipse was also in Libra and in Egyptian astrology Ma'at is connected to Libra it furthers this notion. Each myth is open to our own interpretation, but it is within them that true alchemical keys are held.

These higher beings speak to us when we learn how to listen to their stories and the energy beneath them.

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