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Osiris, Isis and The Hijacking By The Freemasons.

Writer's picture: enteringthemysteryenteringthemystery

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Osiris....there are so many ways to know him but for the purpose of reading this understand him as the true king archetype and the divine masculine, outer principle that we all hold within and also extends without. He recently appeared to me and his message felt so important that i feel the need to share. He was very clear about what has been happening and the importance at this time of coming into union within.

To my surprise he brought in the Freemasons and conveyed to me how he has been hijacked and inverted by this secret society for a very long time. This inversion of his masculine energy is what the system and structures that we largely operate within today have been born out of. This has been done deliberately and his power has been misused. The way that he is encoded throughout this realm has been controlled by the Freemasons and heavily distorted.

However, now is the time that he is re-membered and the divine feminine principle is crucial for this to happen. Divine feminine isn’t unique to women, its the fluid, intuitive, internal essence that we all hold within ourselves. I have observed some men have a knee jerk dismissive reaction when I speak about cultivating this and I believe this is all part of the mental programming to keep us further disconnected from this energy and keep Osiris trapped.

I will speak more about this further into the article through the lens of Egyptian myth but first i'm going to share with you what Osiris conveyed and some examples of the hijacking.

The freemasons are very secretive and many individuals who are a part of this group don’t actually know anything about the truth of what goes on within the inner circles or the deeper knowledge they have access to. This is all a part of the smoke and mirrors, the outer layers of the masons are just a part of the illusion that keeps the inner workings of this group even more hidden. At the core of this secret society there are deep esoteric and occult teaches, including symbol use, rituals, as well as their connection to the God Osiris.

The famous Freemason Manly P hall said, “When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.”

Recognising symbolism is a way we can start to see where masonic control and structuring is present. This is actually most of the external systems we interact with today, including the media and Hollywood.

During my interaction with Osiris, he kept repeating the cross is not what it seems, they have hijacked the X.

The X is well known as a symbol of Osiris, it is the mark of the Shepherd, with the crook and the flail. The crossing of arms in this way is mirrored by the Pharaohs who are also shown in this X position in statues, sarcophagus and artwork.

It takes 2 minutes online to see the "X" throughout many workings of the freemasons. They see themselves as initiates into deeper esoteric truths and teachings. Through this knowledge they have constructed systems of control to keep most of the world severed from the truth of who we are.

X quite literally marks the spot and is a way we can begin to see their control grid.

X is what was twitter, celebrities and known freemasons are often are pictured making the symbol of X across their bodies. Perhaps they saying through this symbol that they are the shepherds herding the masses like sheep.

X rated porn, X Box, X Files….I believe these are all indications of the freemasons hijacking.

The 33 degree masons connects to the 33 vertebra of the spine. The spine is connected to the Djed which another symbol for Osiris. The Egyptians saw the spine as the symbol that kept Osiris ‘intact and able to function’, by claiming dominion over this they continue to invert his energy. There is nothing inherently evil with either Osiris or symbols. People say that 33 or 666 are demonic, this is not the case it is their power that leads groups like this to adopt them and work with them. Osiris has been trapped in his expression into this realm, his frequency has been controlled for far too long.

Alesteir Crowley, the dark occultist wrote a book "Osiris Risen" and there is also a masonic myth which is a retelling of the story of Osiris, just through different characters. This can be found online.

We can discover how to liberate Osiris through the Egyptian Myths. It is the spiritual feminine principle of Isis who comes and raises Osiris from where he is trapped in the coffin. This union has so far been prevented from happening as much as possible. We have been tricked into operating out of this distorted masculine, patriarchy that we all are born into and the divine feminine has been rejected for so long. I am not speaking about gender, I am speaking about energy and the principles associated with each. The masculine, yang, outer and the feminine, yin, inner.

In the myths, Osiris was tricked into climbing into the coffin that he was sealed in, by his brother Set. This happened at a time when Isis, the feminine principle was not present, she was travelling in another land. Set traps Osiris in the coffin and he remains there until the will of Isis raises him.

Set is the God of chaos and external chaos is a common tactic used by the freemasons, to keep us fragmented and divided both within and without. They continually stir up and evoke situations and narratives within societies that keep us operating within this distorted patriarchal energy. They want our attention focused outside of ourselves.

When we are kept in chaos, the Osiris we hold within us is at the stage of the myth where he continually entering the coffin in some weird loop over and over. In the story the coffin floats down the nile and gets stuck in a tamarisk tree which represents Osiris trapped in form. Unable to escape or be reunited with his feminine counterpart. Understand this as man trapped in form, so focused outwardly, operating within their distorted frequencies we've been seemingly severed from our spiritual connection.

In another part of the myth Set cuts Osiris up into many pieces and scatters them across the land. Osiris is the masculine king and here we see chaos sever him beyond all recognition. This represents our fragmented self, the level of self so many of us are operating out of today. For example, when we have unhealed trauma, distortion, unconscious patterns etc we are easy to control, they want us in this state.

Osiris is raised and RE-membered by Isis after she has roamed the lands wild with grief, lost and destitute, separated from the divine masculine. This demonstrates the splitting of union but that ultimately, it is the feminine principle that comes to piece Osiris back together.

We can take this re-membering, Isis raising Osiris, as a coming into divine union. Their mythology reflects what must happen within us all if we are to stand in our wholeness and our power, only then we will take back sovereignty. We hold both of them within ourselves, as within so without.

In the myths when they come together, they birth new consciousness which is Horus. He is Christ Consciousness, this golden ray energy that is our destiny to bring through us as we enter into a new paradigm and this new age that is dawning.

Isis is our inner feminine principle and Osiris is the outer masculine. The way they have been severed within and without is reflected throughout the layers. Without bringing them into union within we will not reclaim Osiris’s hijacked frequency and the Freemasons will continue to hold power.

We have been operating within this distorted masculine system they have set up which is not light or truth, it is deception. Now is the time for each of us to consciously develop this union within so that (amongst many other things) we stop playing in their arena.

Osiris is connected to Jesus, King Arthur and also the green man Geb. Osiris is a Druid and a part of all green, fertile life on this planet. These are the true expressions of the masculine principle and are all deeply connected and in union with the Goddess. The outside world could and will look very different when he is re-membered. The Egyptians knew the Earth father and sky mother, I want to bring this in here. The Earth Mother we speak about could be viewed the unseen energy behind the nature we see physically manifest in our world, and actually the outer growth is Osiris.... is the Earth father Geb. We can find a true masculine expression of a prospering balanced system in nature, our fake matrix system is an just a patriarchal overlay. Just something to think about, ultimately everything morphs and evolves, it isn’t linear and this is one way of looking at things.

We must cultivate divine union of own masculine and feminine energies and know the truth of these archetypes within ourselves. As every time we re-member Osiris within ourselves and he awakens further, we reclaim his frequency. We have the ability to liberate him through the rise of the Divine Feminine.

The time is now to re-member him, regeneration is here.

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