Archetypes span throughout history, travelling through the psyche and expressing their patterns across time. The same stories which lived through the ancients come again to live through us. We can look to historical figures and mythologies as a way of knowing the alchemical energies which play out through humanity.
Archetypal figures live within our psyche. When we start to explore our internal realms it is important to pay attention to who shows up, as indications of which energies are flowing through us. These figures are embodiments or a reflections of the process our psyche is moving through and by interacting with them we can begin to form a relationship with the deeper layers of ourselves.
Archetypal energies are linked to the reason why many different individuals report having past life memories of being the same historical figure. It is not that they literally were that person but the pattern or the fractal of that historical figure is encoded within their field and is flowing from the 'past'. When we recognise this it is very powerful as we can learn from the energetic patterns of these historical consciousness's and know their mythical stories as blueprints for our own evolutionary pathway.
Nefertiti came to me with her story as a woman trapped in a solar world. Her bust is depicted as having one Solar and one Luna eye. One looking into the outer world and one peering beyond the veil into the otherwise unseen realms. She brings forward her lifes teaching, which is relevant for so many women today; The freedom from this distorted, external reality lies within. Many women find themselves trapped in the masculine, solar, outward reaching world with very little connection to the truly feminine, internal landscapes. To know that such an incredible Queen also lived through this pattern and holds keys to transforming it offers reassurance for those who are on this path of internal seeking, re-membering the feminine way and also those who currently find themselves trapped in the illusion of patriarchy. She offers us a pathway to freedom.
Another aspect of this is through knowing the archetypal figures of mythologies. We can learn myth in such a way that it becomes a language for our internal landscape to speak to us through. My understanding around this really developed as I began to watch the love story of Osiris and Isis inside myself. I cried as I watched them kiss and I became part of the love they have for each other. I am certain they would walk to the ends of the Universe to be together for even a moment. The love between them is so strong that no matter the separation, their desire for mergence could never cease, it is their very nature. If we move beneath the figures this also teaches us about the nature of masculine and feminine energies coming in to perfect union. Osiris as the masculine, outer Yang principle. Isis as the internal feminine principle. There will never come a time when they are torn apart that they will let go of their love, they will yearn for re-union forever and always move towards this.
When we see archetypes within ourselves it is not that we are literally the figures we are observing. It is the alchemy or energy these archetypes are an embodiment of that we are experiencing within. This reflects to our conscious mind what is happening in the deeper layers of the psyche and which alchemical process we are moving through. Every single person has this capacity yet we do not have the language or explanation around it which can lead to identification and occasionally the individual believing they are the archetypal energy themselves.
We can know all the stories of the Gods and Goddess’s within ourselves. Many of us also carry the fractals or lineage of significant historical consciousness's and so connecting with them can be very healing as they have much to teach us.
It is not the 'Truth', yet it is a language to interpret truths which will evolve as we do. Every stage of understanding needs a language to speak to us through. The deeper you go the more this will shift and morph as every mythology and deity does throughout the ages. Nothing is set or linear, all is mutable and changing, new faces, new characteristics, new roles. Once we understand this, it loosens our grip and allows more of the experience to flow through us.